Internet: The revolution

      Internet: The revolution

  With the advent of the internet, the way markets changed considerably throughout the world Mr. century changing day by day and in Greece. The internet is about the new world economic data, which was the factory for the Industrial Revolution. Watching the traditional retail trade and in accordance with the investigations of specialists, comes the conclusion: The global retail market has opened its doors to the internet and is a huge field of action for Online shopping business owners!

  Sounds too big? They are !!!

Already by far 2003 there are more than 1,480,000  internet users in Greece and 490,000,000 (millions) users all over the world and constantly multiplying (a 150 % increase per year).

  Nowadays, the internet is experiencing amazing growth - it doubles every hundred days. Internet commerce, known as e-commerce (e-commerce), is expected to reach as already mentioned 2.5 to 3 trillion euros to 200 7. A DTO obviously will bring great changes in the global economy.

The part of e-commerce that will surely undergo a revolutionary change in the retail market.
For decades, consumers like and want easy access to an endless variety of products and services which they could see before purchasing - but very few were those who had thought that could be done through the coziness and warmth of their home only with their computer.

 now you can become the owner of an online business on the internet

The  Greek Internet Services ™ create simple, cost-effective and effective platforms for creating professional presentations online. Already in 1999   Fr. Roothoun, more than four 50 enterprises, companies, and hotels that display and oh l wish our products and services over the internet.  
The  Greek Internet Services ™   covers a wide range of services on the Internet, from Web Hosting to Ecommerce and hotel promotion for online bookings abroad.

The   Greek Internet Services ™ is the first Greek company with great potential in the field of internet marketing. Through the 200 corporate sites and the 450 professional categories we have created on the internet, we cover all commercial activities with top search engine rankings. 
Not only is it easy for you to be on the Internet but also easy to find ... (mm group)

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